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Join the Fight for Freedom and Liberty

Please help fund this fight for Liberty and Freedom!


Join the Fight for Freedom and Liberty

The best part of my job is meeting liberty-loving patriots, and getting the opportunity to help them. We have exposed corruption and more among the government and corporate bullies in the country, most specifically in the American Redoubt.

We are Christian Conservatives fighting for Freedom with like-minded people. We are a part of a team, and we want you to be a part of the team. When you hear of news that is important to the people in the Redoubt, let us know! We are powered by citizen journalism!

The worst part of my job is having to ask for donations to keep this mission going. But, this is not an inexpensive venture.

Next week, one of the most important trials in the history of this country will begin in Portland. Ammon Bundy, his brother Ryan, and many other Patriots will be put on trial for their political protest last January. This protest ended in the death of a God-fearing man, LaVoy Finicum. We have joined the fight to expose the truth of this murder!

Redoubt News intends to be in Portland to bring you first hand reporting of the truth behind this left-wing attack on your liberty. Make no mistake, that is what is happening.

This will prove to be expensive, for example: Parking near the courthouse is $13.00 per day. This will add up, along with fuel, food, internet access and more. No one said that Freedom was free, but we all help in any way that we can.

I need to ask you if you can help support this battle for the truth?

Please go to our webpage:

Click on the ‘Donate‘ button for PayPal.

Every donation will help!

This is an ongoing fight to reclaim our Country. Please help in our fight for Liberty and Freedom!

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