Do Not Let Fear Control You
“Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” ~Luke 21:26
by Bruce Booker
Our Lord Jesus tells us that in the Last Days men’s hearts will fail them because of it…and, most certainly, there’s enough of it to go around.
Since 1900, three pandemics and several “pandemic threats” have occurred. We had the Spanish flu, the Swine flu, the AIDS epidemic, SARS, and now COVID-19.
We had fear in the 1950’s and 60’s over nuclear war. I remember as a kid in school in the 50s having to “duck and cover” when the siren blared.
Then there was political fear over Communism, Nazism, and now Globalism. Not to fail to mention “Global Warming”, now called “Climate Change.”
What else? Oh, yes – overpopulation and that the Earth could not sustain such a large human population…
I am sure that the list could go on and on about the fears that proliferate in the world today, so it is no wonder that the suicide rate in the country is so high and that so many people are dying each day of health related issues such as heart attacks and stroke.
So, what’s the solution?
Well, every time that a fearful event happened that caused His disciples to panic, Yeshua (Jesus) called to them and said “Fear not.”
A disciple of Jesus hears His voice and realizes that even though fearful events happen to us, we can rise above that fear by realizing that He is in control over that event.
When the disciples were traversing the Sea of Galilee which was in turmoil because of the storm, He spoke and the storm abated. When He was being arrested at Gethsemane and Peter cut off the ear of Caiaphas’ servant, He healed the ear and remained in control.
We may not control the fearful event or even necessarily what happens to us in that event, but we definitely are in control of how we react to fear.
The difference between the Medal of Honor recipient who did courageous acts on the battlefield and the soldier who cowered in his foxhole is NOT that the Medal of Honor recipient was without fear, but it was how they reacted despite the fear.
Jesus tells us that we will have tribulation. He also tells us that in the Last Days believers in Him will be persecuted, imprisoned and even put to death for His Name sake. He also speaks of famine, drought, pestilence, and mass deaths in the End Times. We must not be surprised when bad things happen to mankind in general and to us as believers in Him specifically.
We must always realize that we will not always be able to be in control of the situation, but we are in control of how we react to the situation.
The point is: we may not be in control, but He ALWAYS is!
Let us NOT let fear control us; let Him control us and the situation.
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