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God Bless the American Redoubt

We must call out those who want to destroy the blessings we have.

God Bless the American Redoubt

God Bless the American Redoubt

The spotlight is being focused on the local anti-Trump group. This group has disrupted local townhalls, and attempted to disrupt other public gatherings since January. Their mission is to “resist” the Trump agenda and therefore clash with the 64% in Bonner County who supported him.

They have the sympathetic ear of the local media – the same media that admits to collusion in order to silence voices that have opposing views. This group uses victimhood to its fullest. First there was an article published about how they were excluded by a private club. However, it turns out to not be true as the group has found a way to participate by taking cover under the Bonner County Democrats.

Recently a blacklist of conservative businesses has been circulated. Again the anti-Trumpers used it as a prop and went on the defensive. On cue the local newspaper published another article about the group being targeted, not the businesses.

The term Redoubter continues to be used as a scarlet-letter. Yet, the Redoubt is a defensible area that carries with it the values that made America great. Those values have been twisted, rewritten, and erased from much of the rest of the country. That is a significant reason why people are moving here. Why do the same people who want to foster hatred to those who have recently moved here from another state, also welcome refugees from middle eastern countries with open arms? It’s in their nature to be hypocrites.

We are individuals and decide where we want to shop. I know people who choose business owners they know. I know others who avoid spending any money within the city of Sandpoint. If you want to boycott, that’s your decision, too.

We all agree the economy in the county is struggling. I read news today that another business is leaving. I urge you to support your local merchants who provide you with great service and products, or continue to divide this community and we all suffer.

To those who have moved to north Idaho because of our shared God fearing and freedom loving beliefs, we need to defend and retain those values. We must speak up! We must participate in local politics. We must call out those who want to destroy the blessings we have. If we appease or compromise with the progressives, look for north Idaho to turn into another wasteland like Massachusetts or California with big government, oppressive taxes, uneducated people, and only the illusion of freedom in a Godless collective society.

God bless the American Redoubt.
Kathy Rose

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