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DIY: Recycle Old Towels – 12 Ideas For You

Do not throw them out. Recycle your old towels to another purpose!



DIY: Recycle Old Towels – 12 Ideas For You

Towels, sadly, do not last forever. They get stained, torn, or just plain worn out. If you are like me, you really don’t want to throw them away, as mostly they still have some life left in them. But, really, who wants to use a towel with a great big stain on it when they are getting out of a shower?

I have several projects listed here that just might save your old towels, at least for a new purpose. I gathered these projects from around the web, so please be sure to check out the original pages. There are many great do-it-yourself pages for great ideas.

If your favorite idea for recycling towels is not listed, be sure to tell us about it in the comments below.


 rug 1. Braided Rug – This is one of my favorite projects.
 eco-bath-rug 2. Bath Mat – An easy project, similar to latch hook.
 dish-towel02_300 3. Make a Dog Toy – Find three old towels. Cut an inch wide strip from one short end of two of the towels. Use one strip to tie the three towels firmly together at one end. Tightly braid them, then tie the other end with the second strip.
 Old-Towel-Bath-Puppet-Michele-Made-Me-5 4. Bath Puppet for the Little Ones –
 soap pouch 5. Easy Soap Pouch
 wash cloths 6. Wash cloths – Easy to make in 8 inch squares, just finish the edges!
 Final Potholder Shot-3 7. Make a Double Potholder
 diy-plant-pot 8. Plant Pots – very clever –
 pads 9. Ladies Sanitary Pads – Hygienic and Eco-friendly –
 swiffer 10. Swiffer covers
 pouf1 11. Bath Pouf –
 mld105281_0110_dogbed_vert 12. Travel Bed for Pets –


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